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Alexandria, VA
October 30, 2004

This show marks the first time that Spyro Gyra had played The Birchmere. The show was officially sold out, so I wasn’t the only one excited about their Birchmere debut. This would also be the first time I got to hear the latest member of the band, drummer Ludwig Afonso, who recently won the coveted spot vacated last year by Joel Rosenblatt.

“Rockaway to Sunset” (20/20 – from 1997) began the night, followed by “Calle Ocho,” from last year’s Original Cinema. The band then played material from their current release, The Deep End. I was thrilled to hear one of my favorite songs from that release, Julio Fernandez’s “The Crossing.”  When Julio lets his Cuban heritage come through in his songwriting, the results are a wonderful blend of Latin rhythms, and contemporary jazz stylings. It began with a poignant introduction – Julio playing a weathered red acoustic guitar, followed by rhythmic handclapping from Jay, then Tom joining in on the keyboards. The rest of the band joined in, and Julio’s wordless vocals accentuated the whole performance. “Joburg Jam,” one of Spyro Gyra’s tributes to the music and people of South Africa, also showcased the talents of Julio, as well as band leader Jay Beckenstein on the soprano sax. The next song was a bit of a surprise for me. Jay played a cover of The Beatles “In My Life.” According to another fan, and fellow Spyro junkie, this is the only cover song Spyro has ever done.

The band then followed with “Conversations,” (Access All Areas, 1984). Ludwig got a chance to stretch out and perform a drum solo during this number. It was well received by the audience. The members of the band showed their versatility in playing this song, at times turning a contemporary jazz tune into one with a more traditional flare.

Jay took the microphone and introduced the next song. He explained that whenever and wherever they perform, “Morning Dance” (Morning Dance, 1979) is somewhat of a requirement for them. It was their big radio hit 25 years ago, and people request it at every show. With that in mind, they try to update it periodically. I’ve heard several versions of it over the years. “This year’s version,” as Jay called it, takes you to the islands and begins as a calypso number. The next tune, “Daddy’s Got a New Girl Now,” (Rites of Summer, 1988), incorporated Julio scatting throughout, while playing some great guitar riffs.

Scott’s turn came with “Wiggle Room,” also from The Deep End, written by him and featuring some outstanding bass work. Scott is a local favorite in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, and his fans were very much present that evening. He is very talented, and did not disappoint us.

The band encored with “Walk the Walk” (Dreams Beyond Control, 1993). For the first part of this song, Jay plays an alto and a soprano saxophone simultaneously, much to the appreciation and amazement of the audience.

I’ve seen Spyro Gyra perform many times over the years. The talent that each band member possesses is impressive. They have a 26-year history, and I often wonder how they decide which songs to include with each year’s set list. Inevitably, there will be songs left out that I’d love to hear, but when you have 26 years worth of music, you can’t please everybody. This was their first time playing the Birchmere, and I certainly hope it won’t be their last.

Mary Bentley

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